Concerned about a child? Call the Cricket Center Abuse Hotline. 410-641-0097

About Child Abuse

You may not know this from the news, but child abuse and neglect is preventable when we focus on solutions.

  • We are learning how we can stop those who abuse children.
  • We are focusing on how we can change the culture, environment, and communities so that abuse and neglect of children is less likely to happen.
  • We are recognizing that family privacy is important, but the abuse and neglect of a child is not a private matter.

Every one of us CAN do something about it.

  • You can find out what’s happening in your community to protect children from abuse and neglect.
  • You can volunteer your time and share your resources with programs that are working to protect children.
  • You can ask about child protection policies at your place of worship, recreational, and sports organizations for kids.
  • You can learn about ways to teach children to be safe.

Get Involved. Be part of the solution.

Become a child advocate with your voice, your actions, and your support. Inspire other people to do the same.

Spread the Word

Use the power of your voice! Use every means possible to engage your friends, family and community. Use your personal network and your online social network. Preventing the abuse and neglect of children requires widespread support from each and every one of us. You may be the reason someone else decides to do something wonderful for kids.

  • Join our network. (Cricket center Facebook)
  • Add us to your personal profile and send links to all of your contacts.
  • Use our child abuse prevention avatar (the graphic on this page). (Click here)
  • Join the conversation to tell people that we can all do something about child abuse.
  • Here’s a cover photo for your to use. (photo courtesy of Jay Ferchaud)
  • Share this infographic.

We want to hear…

    • What are you doing to make a difference in your own family, organization, or community?
    • What would you like to see happen that can help prevent child abuse and neglect?

Talk about it

Talk to others about child abuse and neglect within your own family, friends, community, church, or workplace. Tell them it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect our children. Create change by engaging in conversation that will encourage community dialogue and efforts to build safe environments for children. Your voice can help prevent child abuse from ever happening.


Offer your time and talents to organizations that help children in your community. Get involved by volunteering at your local Child Advocacy Center, school, church, or other organizations which focus on child abuse and neglect.

      • Organize a group of friends, neighbors or co-workers to volunteer at a Child Advocacy Center or other program.
      • Help to develop parenting resources at your local library.
      • Offer to help children’s sports leagues and other groups to develop policies that protect children from abuse.
      • Promote programs in school which teach children, parents and teachers prevention strategies that can help to keep children safe.

Whether you ask, volunteer, speak, write, or organize, you can inspire others to do the same – maybe more. Together we can empower our communities and make a difference.